Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Working on the seminar!

I accomplished a huge amount of things today, but it's not very interesting to talk about really, and I couldn't take pictures of it, so I'll keep this post nice, sweet, and short!

After 2 hours of working this morning, I had the outline for the presentation, the slides about my plants completed, 3 paragraphs for my conclusion typed, finished editing my field maps, and checked on the plants in the greenhouse I cut 1 month ago to root and then later planted in Zwai! I feel pretty accomplished! I think that if I keep working this hard tomorrow, I'll be sure to have everything completed. I really don't want to have to work on the seminar on Friday because that's just too close to when we're presenting. I want everything done, and then maybe just revising the presentation on Friday. 

By the end of the day today, I finished my lab report!!! I am so happy! The final product is 62 pages! I never thought that was possible for me! It's crazy! I can't believe how long it is! When Dr. Jean first told us about the lab report and gave us a previous student's report, I was dreading it so bad because hers was 44 pages! I though coming up with that many was going to be bad! Nope! I have a solid 62 pages! Tomorrow I plant on reading it over one last time before I turn it in to Dr. Jean to print it off. I hope it's what she wants!

After I finished my lab report, I set to work on more of the seminar powerpoint. By 6 tonight, I have a good majority of it done! I just have to add in Millie's information and pictures about both of her 2 plants, and then a little bit more information on some other slides, and it's complete! I definitely think I will be able to finish it tomorrow! Since I have my lab report out of the way for the most part, I will be able to spend the majority of the day tomorrow working on the seminar! I am so happy! 

It was sad though. This morning when Millie and I stopped by before work to talk to Dr. Jean, she asked me if I wanted Asebe to bring back any flower samples from Zwai since he was there today or if I was done. I didn't want to say it, but I told her I was done. I couldn't believe it. Everything here is coming to an end. Millie and I got our laundry done for the last time today. It is my last Wednesday here. Okay! Done thinking about it all! Onto happy things! (Or just my lunch haha)

Again. I didn't get injera for lunch. I think I'll get it tomorrow because I only have so many more times to get it! Instead I got baked fish with assorted vegetables (cabbage, zuchinni, carrots, and a few others) and potatoes with a garlic sauce drizzled on top of it all! Deeeeelicious!

The fish was so good today!
Also, Mike left last night to head to Washington, D.C. and New York last night! He said he's going to be there for about 3 weeks, so yesterday was the last time I would see him! Because of this, I decided I needed to take a picture with him! He's really great and funny, so I'm going to miss him quite a bit! Also, I loved how he always wore his sweaters like that! I've never seen him actually wear it! They're always tied around his neck like that!

Picture perfect!
For dinner tonight, Millie and I went to the Zebu again and ordered some tibbs. I didn't take a picture because it looks the same here just about every night and there's no point in taking a bunch of pictures of the same thing every day! We both wanted flavored Ambo again, but this time we ordered a pineapple flavored Amdo AND a new one! Apple flavored! It was so good! It really tastes like apple cider, so I loved it so much! Yumm!!!

Also! When I walked into my room after work today, I had new flowers! These ones are very beautiful! I'm still really curious why I'm getting flowers in my room now... Oh well! I love them because they're so gorgeous!
So pretty:)

 Lastly, while on my run this morning, so many of the guards yell: "Good for you! Keep going! Good you're running! Nice job!" and so many other things like that! I finally decided to take a picture of one the the guards who yells all of those things to me every day! He was very happy to take the picture as you can see! :) A few times, he actually ran a little with me! It was only a couple meters, but it was still so great. We were both laughing for a while at that. Good times! Going to miss it!

Perfect pose!

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