This morning I researched about underdeveloped pollen grains and the pollen of Canavalia. I did a lot of research about it, but found nothing on the internet that looked anywhere close to what I saw on the slide under the microscope. I'll continue with my research until I find something because I'm very curious as to what that yellow mass was. I really want to figure this out. I'll definitely work on it.
While doing some of my research, I came across pictures of a Canavalia flower that looked very much like one of the Canavalia plants in Zwai I think. It's Canavalia cathartica. The growing environment and native habitat for this species is much different than Zwai, so that could be a reason it's not growing properly if it is the species. I'll definitely have to do more research about this though because even though the flowers look very much alike, that doesn't mean it's the correct species. All of the plants that belong to a genus are similar in many ways. It can't just be similarity in the appearance of the flowers. I'll just continue researching about that species and see how far I can get with it!
I got so much done on my report today! Throughout this entire time, I've been typing on separate documents for each species, but today I decided to merge them all onto my final report that I've been working on as well! I added in the observation charts from a species we had practiced dissecting during our first week here, but after working so much on my report today, I think I'll take them out. They don't help out my lab report that well beings they were just a practice so we knew what we were doing, so I think it'll be okay to omit them from my report. The observations take up roughly 10 pages, so that's a lot of unneeded information. With the practice observation charts in it, my report totals up to about 37 pages, and I'm still not finished with all of my tests that I've done with the flowers, my appendices, various sections, and much much more! I have so much more I want to add, so I'll definitely have to do some editing on it! So far I'm very satisfied with my report though!
In the afternoon Andreas did his seminar about his internship here and his project. It lasted a little over a half hour, and then we were able to ask questions. Dr. Jean asked almost all of the questions! I made some mental notes of her questions because I assume she'll ask Millie and me the same ones when it's our turn for our seminar! Overall, I think Andreas' seminar and powerpoint was very good! He had many good points in it as well as some good observations about his plants of study! One of the things he mentioned was about seed production and field work and there are 3 key ingredients to make them successful: precision, knowing your work members, and accuracy.
I felt so bad! Millie and I arrived late to his seminar! We were working in the herbarium and realize is was just about 3:00 (the time his seminar started) and we haven't left for it yet and didn't know where it was! We hurried through the hall and noticed no one was there! They left us again! (Just like for Special Coffee Morning last Thursday!) Since we didn't know where the seminar was, we asked Aster, who works in the front office with paperwork and registration and all that good stuff, if she could tell us where it was and how to get there! That took us a couple minutes because she had to call a few people to find that out. We were finally on our way and arrived fashionably late to Andreas' seminar! (We just wanted to gather attention and make and entrance:).....) Totally kidding! It was by accident! Everyone stopped and watched us walk into the room and take our seats. Then their attention turned back to Andreas. It took him a little while to get his train of thought back, so I felt so terrible! So that's my funny of the day!
Well that's enough writing and information! Time for some food talk! :)
For lunch today I decided to take a break from injera again and get the International Dish! This consisted of grilled steak with onions, macaroni with grilled tomatoes, and this delicious tomato sauce on top it all! Again. Their meat always surprises me. I don't think it was steak. It was definitely more of a burger. Oh well! It still tasted good! Cooked perfectly!
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Yumm! It still tasted delicious! |
Anyhoo! So after work Millie and I headed to the Zebu because we're determined to buy samosa one of these times! Every time we've gone in there to ask for some, they always tell us they don't have any! We've asked over 5 times! (I'm starting to think it's just us and they don't want to sell us any of their samosas...) But finally! VICTORY!!!!!! We got samosas today! They didn't have any lentil samosas, only meat ones, which was still good! As long as we got samosas we were content! I'm pretty sure the meet inside these are beef. Yumm!!! Oh I never explained what they are! As I already said, they can either be filled with lentils or beef, and it's wrapped around some type of dough and then I'm pretty sure fried to perfection! It's a nice little triangle of happiness that fits right in your hand! Who doesn't love fried foods?! :)
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Our beef samosas! |
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Doesn't that look scrumptious??? |
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The mango cubes and flavored Ambo |
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The mango cubes in the cup with flavored Ambo in the back |
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The finished product! |
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