Today was very eventful and exciting! This morning after I went for my daily run around the ILRI campus, I decided to shake it up a bit. Millie and I bought about a dozen eggs the other day when we went grocery shopping, so I thought I would try scrambled eggs and bread for breakfast! I did a great job scrambling because they were done perfectly and tasted great!
Scrambled eggs, bread, and fruit juice blend! |
When it was time to go, Millie and I headed to work because we didn't want to be late! The weekly Monday Morning Meetings start right on time! We arrived fashionably early. We got there a little before 8:20! We dropped our bags off in the herbarium and then headed to the meeting room. So many people were already in there! Also, everyone was in a commotion because a worker from China had returned to work here for the next 6 weeks! She came here to work for 3 months before, but then left for 6 weeks, and came right back to work here for 6 weeks! Everyone hugged and kissed her. It was so sweet. Everyone seemed to have loved having her here! After the meeting was over, she opened up some of the Chinese candies that she had brought for everyone to try! One was this white little square. It was made of wheat flour and a few other ingredients I don't know, but it was very good. It wasn't sweet at all though. Another was a sphere and very sticky. It was made of some type of fruit and extremely sweet! It tasted very good, but it stuck to everyone's teeth and fingers! Lastly, she brought a little candy that was made from ground up peanuts, so it was kind of like peanut butter encased in a sweet uhh... chocolate wrapping? I'm not sure what was around the peanuts, but it was delicious and definitely my favorite of the 3!
When the meeting was over and all the candy was eaten, Millie, Andreas, and I headed back to the herbarium to work on our plant species. We were all so busy working! We had so much to do! Dr. Jean told me that one of the workers was going to Zwai to go look and the plot and work on it, so he could gather some more samples for me. I needed to look at my data I previously recorded of my observations of it and the pollen under the microscope to I could tell him which flowers to pick. I only want flowers that contain pollen because on Wednesday, I'm going to germinated the pollen and see if the pollen is viable or not. If it's not, then I will know why the plant, Canavalia sp., hasn't ever seeded! Hopefully the testing works! Because going to Zwai is basically an all day thing, I have to wait until Wednesday to test the pollen. This is good though because then tomorrow I can spend the day putting together the chemical I'll need in order to test the pollen and germinate it. Also, I can do more research about the whole process of testing to see if it's viable or not. We germinated pollen last week, but it's always good to refresh the mind, especially when this is a very important plant and there isn't an endless amount of flowers to test on!
I finally got the nerve to take a picture of my injera that I had at lunch today! I get it just about every day and am completely in love with it! It has such a different taste from anything I've ever eaten! What else makes it different is you eat with all your hands! No silverware! By the time I'm finished eating, my hands are a mess!
My injera for lunch |
Millie's injera for lunch |
After work, Millie and I talked to Dr. Jean a while about when we're going to make the chemical tomorrow. When we got that planned out, we headed to see Tigist. We haven't gotten to legitimately talk to her for a few days, so we thought we should. After all she's done for us, it was the least we could do. I honestly have no idea how she accomplishes all that she does. She worked all day Saturday AND Sunday, when no one else does, is still taking a course to work on her degree, take care of her family, AND basically take care of Millie and I! She is truly an amazing woman. So we talked to Tigist about everything for a good deal of time, then we headed to go get our milk that she's letting us have, and headed back to our hostels for dinner! On our whole way back from work, we had a cat follow us home!
We gave it some of our milk because
it looked like it was hungry |
Well it's getting almost 9 pm, so I should probably start getting ready for bed! That's my new bedtime... I am so tired by 9! When I have nothing urging to keep me awake, why not go to bed early?
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